Which books are coming out in July 2011? Is it the month during which the most anticipated, waited upon fantasy novel since... maybe the beginning of time... is coming out? Yes indeed, we asked for, longed for it, dreamed of it, but can it live up to hype of an undefinable proportion? We will know on July 12th... or a few days later judging by the sheer size of it! Let's dance!

A Dance with Dragons
George R.R. Martin
July 12
George R.R. Martin
July 12
The long-awaited fifth volume in the hugely popular and highly acclaimed epic fantasy A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE The last of the Targaryons, Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, has brought the young dragons in her care to their terrifying maturity. Now the war-torn landscape of the Seven Kingdoms is threatened by destruction as vast as in the violent past. Tyrion Lannister, a dwarf with half a nose and a scar from eye to chin, has slain his father and escaped the Red Keep in King's Landing to wage war from the Free Cities beyond the narrow sea. The last war fought with dragons was a cataclysm powerful enough to shatter the Valyrian peninsula into a smoking, demon-haunted ruin half drowned by the sea. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS brings to life dark magic, complex political intrigue and horrific bloodshed as events at the Wall and beyond the sea threaten the ancient land of Westeros.

The Goblin Corps
Ari Marmell
July 26
July 26
Morthûl, the dreaded Charnel King, has failed.
Centuries of plotting from the heart of the Iron Keep, deep within the dark lands of Kirol Syrreth—all for naught. Foiled at the last by the bumbling efforts of a laughable band of so-called heroes, brainless and over-muscled cretins without sense enough to recognize a hopeless cause when they take it on. Machinations developed over generations, schemes intended to deliver the world into the Dark Lord's hands, now devastated beyond salvation. But the so-called forces of Light have paid for their meddling with the life of Princess Amalia, only child of the royal family of Shauntille.
Now, as winter solidifies its icy grip on the passes of the Brimstone Mountains, disturbing news has reached the court of Morthûl. King Dororam, enraged by the murder of his only child—and accompanied by that same group of delusional upstart "heroes" —is assembling all the Allied Kingdoms, fielding an army unlike any seen before. The armies of Kirol Syrreth muster to meet the attack that is sure to come as soon as the snows have melted from the mountain paths, but their numbers are sorely depleted. Still, after uncounted centuries of survival, the Dark Lord isn't about to go down without a fight, particularly in battle against a mortal! No, the Charnel King still has a few tricks up his putrid and tattered sleeves, and the only thing that can defeat him now?may just be the inhuman soldiers on whom he's pinned his last hopes.
Welcome to the Goblin Corps. May the best man lose.
Den of Thieves
David Chandler
July 26
David Chandler
July 26
Born and raised in the squalid depths of the Free City of Ness, Malden became a thief by necessity. Now he must pay a fortune to join the criminal operation of Cutbill, lord of the underworld—and one does not refuse the master . . . and live.
The coronet of the Burgrave would fulfill Malden’s obligations, though it is guarded by hungry demons that would tear the soul from any interloper. But the desperate endeavor leads to a more terrible destiny, as Malden, an outlaw knight, and an ensorcelled lady must face the most terrifying evil in the land.
I wish I didn't have to wait until July 12th to pick up Dance With Dragons. That bastard George better have some answers to questions that have simmered for seven years!
Don't forget that the plot in Dance is during the same period as A Feast for Crows but with different PoV... I hope you wait for answers from the right characters :)
We'll know soon enough!
Nice picks, dude! Just stumbled across your site and it's always nice to find fellow Canucks ;-) I'm also looking forward to Den of Thieves and chose it as my monthly pick.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along.
I think I will leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading.
Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
VERY informative. I'll be making some juice in the near future. Passing this onto my friends. Thanks.
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