First up, to stay on topic with last night post, is the cover art for the second novel in the Inheritance Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin, The Broken Kingdoms. The artwork was first posted on Aidan's blog at A Dribble of Ink. This cover is simply an evolution of the cover for the first book. I liked the first one and Cliff Nielsen did a good job again. Lauren Panepinto mentioned on Aidan's blog that this is not the final work. Enjoy :

Next on the list is the UK cover (Gollancz) for the eagerly awaited novel The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, the first book of the Stormlight Archives series. I already posted the US cover here and I have to say that this new one is not looking great in comparison. I didn't like the colors for the US artwork but I just find the UK cover ugly. Thanks to Adam at The Wertzone for showing us.

Finally, Tor unveiled the new covers for the Psalm of Isaak series by Ken Scholes. Chris McGrath is behind the new art (he's the artist behind the new First Law covers for Abercombie's series, here). I like those a lot, way better that the original ones even though we haven't seen the cover for Lamentation. By the way, this is the first time we get to take a look at the cover for Antiphon, the next book in store for Scholes. Kudos to Mad Hatter.

They've not done Lamentation yet but I've heard they might if it goes into another printing.
Glad you like the covers!
Ahhhh, all these covers are amazing. I love the look for Broken Kingdoms, it fits for where the story ended. I am looking forward to the book. Way of Kings is on the top of my list to get when it comes out. I am really, REALLY excited for this one. And Ken Scholes, well, I just love these books and can't wait for Antiphon to come out. The new looks for Ken's series are kind of cool. I think I am really liking them, although I loved the old ones too. But these new ones are eye catching in a different way. Enjoying them both now.
Hey Ken stopped by! Very cool! Glad to see ya Ken. (Me pesky Melissa from B&N.)
So yes, I am going to have a very busy summer/fall with these awesome books. :) Thats alright, they are all well worth it.
Thanks for the info Ken! Glad to have your visit.
I still haven't read Canticle but I will soon since Antiphon is coming in September. Work on the next coming is coming well?
@Melissa, big summer/fall indeed, we are lucky. I had the same thought when I saw the Broken Kingdoms cover.
Which Way of Kings cover do you prefer?
For Way of Kings, I think I have to go with US cover. There seems to tell more with the dry desolate land and big sword. I like the smokie look with the sword on the UK cover but that is it. It doesn't seem to tell anything of the story. And being Brandon Sanderson, we have to have an amazing cover to go with his out of this world stories.
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