Weeks' The Black Prism french cover

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Brent Weeks posted the french cover art for his latest novel, The Black Prism.  The illustration for "Le Prisme Noir" is the work of Miguel Coimbra (his page here). For the sake of comparison, I also posted the US and UK cover art.


Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

That's a very dramatic pose the guy has in that French cover.

NoOne said...

Ahhh we UK'ers always get the best covers :) :)

Jaedia @ The Dragon Chronicle said...

Wow, for once I like the UK cover the least. Liking the French cover :)

Once Upon A Time

Bets Davies said...

Me too. I'm going with the artistic flow and composition in france.

Mihai A. said...

The French editions of Brent Weeks are looking majestic. I like this one too, but the ones for his Night Angel trilogy are even better. Anyway, the French are so lucky with some of the best book covers I've seen :)

Chandrapal Khasiya said...

the french cover looks like prince of persia in assassin's cloak

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