French Heart of the World art

Monday, September 3, 2012

Having bought Col Buchanan second novel recently (Stands a Shadow), I stumbled onto the French cover art for both his novels in the Heart of the World series.  Although I really liked the cover for the UK edition of Farlander (my review), the French one from Bragelonne and illustrated by the talented Miguel Coimbra is a really good depiction of Ash.  Sadly, the second one is less interesting...  What do you think?


1. Unknown said...

I usually prefer French cover art to UK or US art, but these ones don't really do it for me; I prefer the UK art in both sets.

I'm still unsure who the person on the cover of Stands a Shadow is supposed to represent. Hopefully when you read it you'll have more luck than me in identifying them!

2. Phil said...

That's a good question, I should know soon enough!

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