Audiobooks - July and August

Monday, September 3, 2012

Wondering what was released in the last two months in audiobooks? Here's a warp-up:

The Magister trilogy (Feast of Souls, Wings of Warth and Legacy of Kings) by C.S. Friedman
King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
Sourge of the Betrayer by Jeff Salyards (my review)
The Chronicles of Amber (the ten books) by Roger Zelazny
Wake of the Bloody Angel by Alex Bledsoe (my review)
The Corpse-Rat King by Lee Battersby
Antiphon by Ken Scholes
Elder Scrolls series (The Infernal City and Lord of Souls) by Greg Keyes


1. Unknown said...

Ooo, an Elder Scrolls audiobook might be good. I'll look these ones up, thanks!

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