New map - Abercrombie's Red Country

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Map lovers (everytime I write this it feels awkward...) rejoice!  A new map was unveiled by Joe Abercrombie on his page today!  You may already have seen a glimpse of it under some blades and blood since it's the background for the cover of Red Country.  Joe explains the details behind it's creation here.  Here it is in all it's map-paperish glory (from the hand of Dave Senior and Laura Brett) and in the format that should be included in the book:


1. Unknown said...

I've still not read Abercrombie, but I adore the covers and these maps are gorgeous. Gimmie!

2. PicCell Wireless said...

As the title says this is my first Amazon review. Simply said, not a single sentence, let alone a word, is wasted in this book. Abercrombie's writing has peaked, and I've read the other five stories pertaining to these characters (not sure if he has written others that don't entail the adventures of these characters). Simply astounding and amazing writing technique. I cannot express the awesomeness of his prose. I feel that each paragraph was a masterpiece in his own head... cause for damn sure it appears that way to me.

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