A round of covers

Monday, July 30, 2012

Three covers went past my scrutiny in the last weeks.  First of all, there's the final official cover art for Mazarkis Williams second book in the Tower and Knife series, Knife Sworn.  I had already posted a tentative cover but Miss or Mister Williams informed me that it was only a temporary pic for the Night Shade Books information page.  Then, there's the cover for Shattered Pillars by Elizabeth Bear, also the second book in her latest Fantasy series.  Finally, I wanted to share the cover art of Tomorrow the Killing by Daniel Polansky since it's a contender for the "Best cover art with an infamous hooded assassin" award!  Here you go:




1. Unknown said...

I really like the Polansky cover, though I'm slightly biased as I thought his debut was so good I'm expecting great things from the sequel.

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