Releases updates - Lynch, McClellan and Cameron

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Some new information surfaced recently in regard to the release of at least three eagerly awaited Fantasy release of 2014.


The Fell Sword by Miles Cameron, the second book of the Traitor Son Cycle (following the stellar debut The Red Knight, head over here for my review) was supposed to be released at the end of 2013. I have received word from Orbit books that the release dates have been delayed to February 15th in the UK and March 30th in North America.


Another follow-up to a great debut, The Crimson Campaign, second book in the Powder Mage Trilogy (my review of Promise of Blood is here) by Brian McClellan also received the postponement treatment. This time again, the wait isn't too long with a release date of May 6th instead of February 18th.  Brian posted about the reasons behind this delay at his page.


Finally, to lift the spirits, there's at least one book release news that should please Scott Lynch readers. The author of the Gentleman Bastard sequence told blogger Fantastical Imaginations that The Thorn of Emberlain, the fourth book in the series should be out by the end of 2014! It's still a tentative date but he's confident he can make it.


1. john said...

The Fell Sword has a release date of
January 30 for the paperback and January 16 for the ebook.

These dates are for the UK edition published by Gollancz.

2. Phil said...

The dates I have come from Orbit/Gollancz and were confirmed this week...

3. john said...

That's weird ! amazon uk is still listing the Gollancz edition for January 30 (paperback) and January 16 (ebook).

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