A Round of Covers - Lawrence, Lynch and Wexler

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's time for another round.  What do you think of these?


Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence

That's a nice cover although slightly generic... with a style a bit reminiscent of the Broken Empire trilogy. The cover is from Chris McGrath who did some nice work for several Fantasy novels.  The change is a good thing but still, I prefer the covers of Jason Chan from the previous trilogy.


The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

That's the new cover for the US release of the mass market paperback edition of the book.  I love this cover and I think it's even better than the cover with the guy standing on a wooden beam.  Here are the previous covers to compare. Which is your favorite?


The Shadow Throne by Django Wexler

Finally for this round, the cover for Wexler's second book.  I prefer the cover of the first book by far and I'm not sure how this one will look beside it but it's not bad.


1. Tom Lloyd said...

Not really a fan of the new Wexler cover - just, ah, meh. Hoping the UK one is nicer because I certainly want to get the book!

2. Antonakis said...

While it's nothing exceptional, I get a really positive vibe and impression from Prince of Fools. I really like all the small details and interesting touches... even the laurels around the series name!!

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