Orbit books covers

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Orbit books revealed the covers for their 2014 spring/summer calendar.  Here are the ones that caught my attention.  You can take a look at all of them at Orbit's page.


Let's start this round with another incarnation of.... the infamous... cloaked figure!!! The culprit is the fourth book in the Shadowdance series by David Dalglish, A Dance of Shadows.  With this title and cover, you can't denied that it's Fantasy starring an assassin! You can look at the previous covers for Dalglish books by Orbit here.


The most interesting book of the lot for me is Daniel Abraham's fourth book in the Dagger and the Coin series, The Widow's House.  I like the look of it, it's a great addition to the covers of its predecessors. I think that this novel is one of the 2014 releases I'm the most eager about!


N.K. Jemisin has been teasing her magic and seismology project for a while and now it has a cover and a title!  Her next book is The Fifth Season and in this case again, kudos for the cover.


Next is a more interesting cover (than the one I posted some weeks ago) for the next translation of Andrezj Sapkowski's Withcher books, Baptism of Fire. Geralt from the video games looks good!


1. Antonakis said...

Great covers all of them, especially the two "blue" ones; Abraham's and Jemisin's ones. Simple, effective, beautiful those two.
That first cover is also an improvement upon the previous 3 Dance covers as it finally doesn't feature that "flying-butterfly stance" which was overdone and extremely cheesy.

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