Bookcase porn

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bought a shelf this week-end... and already it's not enough! (the ones one the top are all arcs....)


1. Tom Lloyd said...

oh pretty! Hey, I can see my books from here!

2. Showtyme said...

That's really sexy. I've only got one bookcase full, with no room currently for any more. But I'm hoping someday to have enough space for a full room of nothing but bookcases; my own personal library.

3. KJ Mulder said...

I think lack of bookcase space is an eternal problem for any bibliophile, especially those who love fantasy and scifi (those tomes take so much more space!). I'm in dire need of a new bookcase myself.

4. Cursed Armada said...

Damn... Looking good Phil

5. Bruno Martin said...


6. Douglas said...

Part of me misses physical books. But e-books are just so darned convenient and space-saving. But an overflowing bookshelf is a thing of beauty.

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