New poll - Eager meter 2013

Monday, October 22, 2012

First, let's see where your votes went for the last poll.  My question was "Which cultural inspiration do you prefer for your Fantasy setting?", and the results were:

  • Pseudo-medieval Europe                  - 50%
  • Middle Eastern (Arabic, Islamic)       - 1%
  • Another culture from the real world   - 0%
  • Completely out of this world             - 27%
  • No preference                                  - 20%

There's no real surprise in the fact that pseudo-medieval Europe ended first, being the most prominent Fantasy setting, but I thought that Middle east would have received more votes.  And then, no votes for another culture from the real world... I thought that people liked to have more references than something completely out of this world. Inspiration can come from anywhere for an author, the important thing is the originality instilled into it, no matter if the end-result is reminiscent of some culture we are aware ought, as long as magic emerges from it... and swords :)


With the publishers releasing their calendar for spring and summer 2013, we now have a pretty good idea of the big titles coming up next year.  As usual, there will be many surprises and, as we can all hope, many new names crowding our shelves. The last few years were pretty amazing in term of Fantasy books quality and quantity.  2013 may not have as many blockbusters but it sure looks promising!

Who will be absent in 2013?  George R.R. Martin won't release the next A Song of Ice and Fire novel, Patrick Rothfuss is still working on the third book of the adventures of Kvothe, Joe Abercrombie still hasn't hinted at his next book, with two release in 2013, Ian C. Esslemont may not publish another Malazan novel, Brent Weeks third Lightbringer novel is probably set for 2014, as is Mark Charan Newton first Drakenfeld book. Moreover, we have no news about the release date of The Free by Brian Ruckley and Saladin Ahmed's second book to name a few...

Hopefully, we will probably be granted with a new Eddie Lacrosse novel by Alex Bledsoe, the second book in the Kharkanas trilogy by Steven Erikson, N.K. Jemisin is writing a new series, K.J. Parker will certainly deliver again and 2012 debut author Jeff Salyards may come up with his second book.

But then, "Which novel are you most eager to read in 2013?"

The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch
A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett
Emperor of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
River of Stars by Guy Gabriel Kay
Sworn in Steel by Douglas Hulick
The Unholy Consult by R. Scott Bakker
The Dark Defiles by Richard Morgan
Stormlight 2 by Brandon Sanderson
Moon's Artifice by Tom Lloyd
Shattered Pillars by Elizabeth Bear
The Tyrant's Law by Daniel Abraham
The Dragon Queen by Stephen Deas
The Crown Tower by Michael J. Sullivan
The Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski

If the 2013 book you're mostly eager for isn't mentioned, speak now or forever hold your peace!


1. Cursed Armada said...

Unholy Consult will be a gamechanger... Maybe more people will give Bakker a shot!

2. Mieneke van der Salm said...

I chose The Republic of Thieves, as that's the one I've been waiting for the longest, but there are many I'm excited for. Hulick's second, Salyards' second, Evie Manieri's second, Elspeth Cooper's third book, Lawrence's Emperor of Thorns, Chris F. Holm's third book... I could go on for a while here!

3. Joshua Lowe said...

Lightbringer 2 is the easiest choice for me by far. I may camp outside a bookstore ...

But Emperor of Thorns and The Daylight war are definitely very, very close runner ups!

4. Moreni said...

I chose The Republic of Thieves, of course. But I will waiting propably about six month longer for translation...

5. Stefan (Far Beyond Reality) said...

The new Guy Gavriel Kay is high on the list, and I'm eager to get my hands on the new Scott Lynch. I haven't read the second book in Richard K. Morgan's trilogy yet, waiting until all 3 are available to reread the first one. Another book I'm excited about is the new Myke Cole novel, Final Frontier, which is due out in early 2013.

6. Anonymous said...

A Memory of Light simply because i have been waiting for it for so long

Stormlight 2 comes a close second

7. Dave said...

I'll go with A Memory of Light although I just listened to the 2nd chapter at tor and Sanderson made a couple very noticeable errors.

I really want Republic of Thieves but I'm not holding my breath...

8. Joe said...

Stormlight 2...HANDS DOWN

9. Mark Newton said...

Just for a bit of clarity, as I understand it so far the Drakenfeld book will be published around October time.

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