This is it, I'm going digital! Well, "eyes-wise" at least since you could rightfully state that audiobooks are now digital (I don't listen to them on an old Walkman). When I posted about the results of the poll on e-reading a few months ago, I thought that this day wall still far away. Seems I've finally been picked up by the wave. Anyway, I'll at least give it a try.
I chose to go with the Sony Reader PRS-650 instead of the Amazon Kindle 3. I have nothing against the latter aside from the useless keyboard but I prefer the more solid construction and options of the Sony e-reader. So far I really like the e-ink display, much much better than reading on a tablet.
The first e-book I'll read is The Dragon's Path by Daniel Abraham (my first taste of the author).
So I'll keep you updated on my impressions when the moment comes where I will put down a non-physical book. Will the touch of soft pages and the weight of a good old doorstopper hardcover bring me back to the physical thing or will I eventually like e-books better? Only time will tell. Stay tuned!
No Nazgul were harmed during the photo shoot.
I chose to go with the Sony Reader PRS-650 instead of the Amazon Kindle 3. I have nothing against the latter aside from the useless keyboard but I prefer the more solid construction and options of the Sony e-reader. So far I really like the e-ink display, much much better than reading on a tablet.
The first e-book I'll read is The Dragon's Path by Daniel Abraham (my first taste of the author).
So I'll keep you updated on my impressions when the moment comes where I will put down a non-physical book. Will the touch of soft pages and the weight of a good old doorstopper hardcover bring me back to the physical thing or will I eventually like e-books better? Only time will tell. Stay tuned!
No Nazgul were harmed during the photo shoot.
I just got myself a Sony Pocket edition e-reader myself about a month ago. I thought the transition would be a slow given I like the tactile feel and a "visual" sense of progression of reading a novel. I was surprised at how taken I was with the e-reader. It is so handy on the commute, working out and reading before bed (no more tired arms!).
The biggest downside are maps. They suck big time on e-readers.
I've also had to exercise self-control on buying e-books. A few minutes and a few clicks later you can download alot of books.
I hope you will enjoy the experience.
Yay! It's the future, y'know.
Seriously, e-readers won't replace books, but ebooks have 20% of the market now, and that will likely double over the next 2-3 years.
Cool! I opted for a Kobo myself, largely out of a similar desire not to have a useless keyboard hanging around, weighing things down. It's a cool piece of tech, particularly when traveling.
I have an iPad, which I love, but I also use it for book reading on the ibooks app or the kindle app. I love it. It took some time to grow on me at first, but after a while I started really enjoying the ebook reading experience.
I hope you enjoy this book. I'm looking forward to starting on it, myself.
I forgot to mention that I was disappointed to hear that there were no nazgul harmed in the making of this post :)
Welcome to the club! (For me, an iPAd).
Hey, you were mentioned over on the Del Rey site!
@Michael: I will try to be more brutal next time! :)
@Anonymous: I hope I will enjoy the experience as much as you do. I'm not sure however that I'll be that hungry for e-books since I don't feel that the "collection" feeling when building a full library of physical books will be the same with the digital format.
Those of you "e-reading" on an iPad, don't you get a bit eyesore after some time?
@Michael : Yeah I know, it's cool! Shawn included me in the weekly "Suvudu likes" posts regularly for some time now! :)
I read in my iPad mostly while commuting, and at lunch time? So: 1 hour morning, 1 hour evening and 1/2 hour at midday, and no eyesore problem. The same apply when I've been reading two or three hours in a row at home.
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