The biggest news of the year is here (it's probably the announcement that was awaited the most since the release of A Feast for Crows in October 2005). As you can judge by my poll at the beginning of the year, that novel is what we are waiting for.
The man itself, George R.R. Martin finally posted on his blog the release date for A Dance with Dragons!
July 12, 2011
Here's a bit of what he has to say about it :
No. Sorry. Not done yet.
I'm close, though. Watch this space. When the book is done, you will read it here.
Meanwhile... there is news. Big news. The end is in sight, at long long last, and we're close enough so that my editors and publishers at Bantam Spectra have set an actual publication date.
I am absolutely stoked for this. Though, I should probably start rereading the first 4 books now, if I want to finish them by the time this one is released.
I just hope it's better than A Feast for Crows. That one was terrible. Hopefully Dance will return the series to greatness!
Showtyme : Go for it, I'm sure you'll have a great time! Anyway, I hope that the date won't change again... well at least it would give you more time ;)
Ghost : You found it that terrible? I would agree that it was deceiving in comparison with the first books, but that much?
Game of Thrones was great but there is a decline in quality as the series went on. I found the books getting worse and worse. In my humble opinion, the problem is that the series is getting too bloated. In a way, the series remind me of "The Wheel of Time" which was a great series that became bad as the author expand the cast of characters. Of course Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson managed to save the series in the past 3-4 books so there's hope yet for this series.
This is a great post and thank you for sharing this nice experience,
and hope you can give another posts as soon as possible.
Thank you for this blog. That’s all I can say.
You most definitely have made this blog into something that’s eye opening and important.
You clearly know so much about the subject, you’ve covered so many bases.
Great stuff from this part of the internet. Again, thank you for this blog.
Excellent new topics, always interesting to read articles that are relevant to the topic, thanks for all the great news and responses.
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