R. Scott Bakker posted the new cover for the UK release of The White Luck Warrior, second book of the Aspect Emperor trilogy. I think it's way better that the US art (at the end of the post). The blurb was just slightly updated from the one I posted back in the summer. The novel is set for a release in the first quarter of 2011.

If the US cover was as cool as the UK cover, I'd probably have already added this book to my "to read" list. But the US cover is absolutely atrocious so I've always skipped this book right over without even a second thought.
I agree that the US cover is pretty bad but I think this is a book that you should not judge by it's cover. You enjoyed The Judging Eye?
Actually, I haven't read anything by R. Scott Bakker yet. I really started getting into fantasy books only 2-3 years ago (before then my only fantasy was Forgotten Realms, specifically the Drizzt books). And even more recently, I've slowly started compiling a list of books using your blog and browsing publisher websites to find interesting looking/sounding books. And I haven't really heard much about R Scott Bakker. I remember seeing the name a few times, but the covers never jumped out at me, so I've always past them over.
I actually buy books from that list only 2-3 books in advance of what I'm currently reading, so I don't invest money into too many at once and skip over books and never make it back to them. But if you say these books are much better than the covers let on, I'll definitely add them to the list now.
Well, definitely UK cover is better than US.
Here e.g. russian covers of Prince of Nothing:
Bakker is coming!
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