The number of books on my backlog was 38 when I started the last poll. (the original post is here) It's now up to about 45 and it will probably keep getting larger. At first I thought it was kind of big since it's not novels that I received from publishers but all novels that I bought. And for me, that felt like a considerable number. Afterward, having read the comments and the thread on Westeros about the same question (the numbers there were staggering), it feels like a small number in comparison. Anyway, the poll is over and finally it seems that I'm among the majority of readers with 25 to 50 books. Also, not really surprising, not much people had less than 10 books on their backlog.
What's next if I continue in the same line of thought? Well... if this backlog number has to be reduced, we have a lot of books to read. So, how many books will you read this year? It could be rephrased as "How many books do you read in a year?". This humble blogger used to read more in his younger years but I would say that I read around 20 to 25 novels per year. It was easier back when I still read novels in french but I will probably never return to translated books from english to french.
To this number I could add 10 to 15 audiobooks. Even if I prefer to read a book than listening to one, I think I can still consider the audiobooks as novels I have read in a year. So as a final answer I would say 30 to 40. This time, I'm really not sure what will be the most popular answer but I don't think I'm among those who read the most.
So, fellow readers, how many books do you read in a year?
Less than 10
More than 60
What's next if I continue in the same line of thought? Well... if this backlog number has to be reduced, we have a lot of books to read. So, how many books will you read this year? It could be rephrased as "How many books do you read in a year?". This humble blogger used to read more in his younger years but I would say that I read around 20 to 25 novels per year. It was easier back when I still read novels in french but I will probably never return to translated books from english to french.
To this number I could add 10 to 15 audiobooks. Even if I prefer to read a book than listening to one, I think I can still consider the audiobooks as novels I have read in a year. So as a final answer I would say 30 to 40. This time, I'm really not sure what will be the most popular answer but I don't think I'm among those who read the most.
So, fellow readers, how many books do you read in a year?
Less than 10
More than 60
Last year I got 42 in and I definitely count audiobooks. I mean, I have an inner monologue anyway right. What's crazy is this pales in comparison to lots of people. My goal this year is 60. We'll see.
Last year I read 93 books, I think I will end up reading about that number this year as well.
We've talked about this on my blog as well but last year I read just under 50 books. This year I'm aiming for 72 but I'm not on track for that yet. Trying madly to keep up!
I haven't been keeping a specific count for a long while, but it is somewhere around 100 a year. That said my to-read pile is probably more than 100 books and always growing.
Liked your post. Someday I hope to write a book where the royalties will pay for the copies I give away.
My goal is at least 50. So far, so good.
Seems like we're all trying to read even more every year!
I think I am a slow reader! Between work and home life I take every minute I can get to read. I don't know how many books I read last year. I think I have only got about 12 books in so far this year. So, I'm not on the lowest part of the scale but I'm not on the highest either.
I am starting to get nervous myself with the stack of to reads. I think I have 27 books sitting here to get to. I try not to let the stack get to large as I start to get to nervous about them and can't decide what to read or enjoy the reads trying to rush through them.
But I do feel better hearing I'm not the only one. :)
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