This is the number of physical books in my backlog (also have a couple of audio books in store). I need to switch to a job where I can read all day long. Here's a peak :
Brian Ruckley -the whole Godless World trilogy
Brandon Sanderson - last 2 books of his Mistborn trilogy and Warbreaker
Glen Cook - the three Black Company Omnibus and the first Dread Empire
Robert V.S. Reddick - The Red Wolf Conspiracy
Scott Lynch - Red Seas Under Red Skies
Brent Weeks - the last two books of the Night Angel trilogy
Adrian Tchaikovsky - the whole Shadows of the Apt series
Ken Scholes - Canticle
N.K. Jemisin - The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Lev Grossman - The Magicians
Carlos Ruiz Zafón - Shadow of the Wind
Andrzej Sapkowski - Last Wish and Blood of Elves
et cetera
Let's poll with this. Fellow readers I ask you this :
How many books do you have on your backlog?
- None to 10
- 11 to 25
- 25 to 50
- A full library
- None and all since I rent them
The last I counted, I was at eighty. I have bought more since then though.
I have 57. I plan to whittle down that pile to 30 by year end. I will try and curb my spending on new and used books and managed to buy none in 2010. We'll see how long that lasts!
Wow 80 seems like a big reading list. I though that 38 was beginning to be a bit much, but it seems we won't have trouble having books to read in the future.
Reviewers (more so them who received books from publishers) probably have more on their pile...
I just buy more books than I read. It's not all that bad. I have always said the good part about having such a large reading list is having plenty to read if ever you are forced to stop buying books for whatever reason. Well, I have recently sacrificed buying books...
This topic actually came up on Westeros a while back, which is when I found the total, and there were folks posting there with an absurdly high total. I thought mine was kind of scary, they blew it out of the water. Not all of them were reviewers either. The thread is here. There's actually a member with over three thousand unread books.
Somewhere between fifty and sixty is usual for me. It's closer to fifty at the moment though.
Yeah, I'd say I'm at least around 80 too. This year I have a goal to read at least 3 books for every one I buy. What's crazy is that is still an insane goal, but it's an addiction. :)
@James, thanks for the link, I didn't think readers usually had so much books in waiting.
@Seak, Good luck! :)
I've got about 70 on my to read list, but those are not just books I bought for fun, but also books I had to buy for university (I was an English major) and never really read and books I took from my mother when she was going to throw them all out when she emigrated. I decided that I really need to read them if they're in my bookcase lol
Plus it's probably more than 70 if you take all the books I need to re-read before I can finish that 'new' last book in the series lol
Luckily, I'll have plenty of reading time in the coming weeks as I'm on maternity leave.
nice post. thanks.
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