If you're a fan of Patrick Rothfuss blog, you're probably aware that he is hosting his second fund raiser for Heifer International. The first iteration was quite a success. If you're into donating to the cause, you could be the lucky owner of some signed or even rare books. To add a little spice to this 'event', Rothfuss interviewed Joe Abercrombie. Here's a take and the link :
How often do you check your amazon sales rank?
At one point it was getting a bit silly, so now I have to strictly limit myself to five times an hour. This has become a great deal easier since I discovered Sales Rank Express, a web application that allows you to check all your sales ranks simultaneously. Or those of everyone at your imprint, for that matter.
How many copies of your own books do you currently own?
Hard to say, since most of my books are packed up in boxes, but since I get sent several dozen of any new UK release and half a dozen of each foreign language edition, plus extra books whenever anything's reprinted, a lot more than is decent or functional. I'm currently looking at about fifteen UK and US Best Served Colds, a box full of new Blade Itself Mass Market Paperbacks, A box of Swedish Blade Itselves (Itselfs?) where they split the book in two therefore doubling the number I got sent, a stack of Russian ones, a Czech Before They are Hanged, and my Mum's old copy of Beowulf. I didn't write that last one, of course.
The interview
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