Thursday, September 22, 2011

Covers for Deas and Redick

Two new covert art, or maybe artwork since it's not the final result yet, surfaced recently, the UK art for the next dragon novel by Stephen Deas, The Black Mausoleum and the fourth novel in Robert V.S. Redick series, the Chathrand Voyage, The Night of the Swarm. Both novels should be out by Spring 2012.

From Stephen Youll who also made the covers for Deas' US novels :

From Edward Miller, who painted the illustration and also worked on previous covers for Redick books in the UK. I hope they will change the font of the title...


  1. Man that Deas cover is a great concept but the colors and textures just clash. The dragon and the rock the knight stands on almost look edited in.

  2. Ooh, a new Stephen Deas novel? Must find out more.

  3. Informative article, I really like to keep track of the updates and news. Thanks for the excellent news and topics.
