Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tools of the trade

Any tools needed when you read books? For me there's some :

What would I do without my "Itty-bitty" booklight when my girlfriend wants me to close the light before going to sleep, my "book-magic" clip to hold my book open when I'm doing stationary bike, my MP3 player for my audiobooks and my bookmark (because I hate to fold the corner of a page and I don't have enough memory space in my brain to keep the page number in my mind)?

Ok, my bookmark is not a great choice for a fantasy reader but I really love Van Gogh. I still haven't found a great fantasy bookmark... what is yours looking like?


  1. You really use an itty bitty book light? I always thought those things were kind of a joke-- but I might have to get one-- I usually read downstairs because my husband goes to sleep before me most nights.

  2. Oh yes, but not by choice, I prefer to keep the lights on but it's not that bad when you don't want to disturb! :)
